Durango reports 30 deaths from meningitis and 77 confirmed cases after the outbreak

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16AGOSTO2021.- El Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) fortalece los Servicios de Rehabilitación en unidades médicas de primero, segundo y tercer nivel para atender a pacientes con secuelas de COVID-19, a la fecha casi 178 mil personas con diversas complicaciones o secuelas han recibido intervenciones, además de rehabilitación pulmonar por esta enfermedad. A nivel nacional, el Instituto cuenta con 191 unidades, servicios y módulos de rehabilitación, con el objetivo de otorgar rehabilitación integral a sus derechohabientes con secuelas como: dificultad para respirar, cansancio o fatiga luego de actividades físicas, tos, dolor de pecho, estómago, cabeza o palpitaciones, a través de intervenciones multidisciplinarias y acciones basadas en la evaluación personalizada. Los pacientes con secuelas pulmonares leves tardan cuatro semanas máximo en rehabilitarse, y cuando son severas hasta 12 semanas. En otros casos donde las personas presentan miopatías o neuropatías el promedio de recuperación tarda entre 6 y 12 meses. FOTO: IMSS/CUARTOSCURO.COM

Azucena Calvillo, head of Internal Medicine at the General Hospital 450 reported that so far 29 patients have been discharged, who are under surveillance from their homes with oral treatments.

Durango Health Authorities confirmed the death of one more person from fungal meningitis in the state, as well as a total of 77 cases after the outbreak in four private hospitals in the state.

Azucena Calvillo, head of Internal Medicine at the General Hospital 450 reported that so far 29 patients have been discharged, who are under surveillance from their homes with oral treatments.

She also explained that there is a patient admitted to the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, who had to undergo surgery and remains stable.

According to Calvillo, 187 health sector workers have been hired to attend to the meningitis outbreak, including specialists, surgeons, nursing staff, nutritionists, and medical assistants.

This serious health problem began on November 4, 2022, the National Liaison Center (CNE) of Mexico informed the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) for the first time of the detection of 11 cases of aseptic meningitis of etiology unknown, with one death, all with a history of surgical procedures with the administration of epidural anesthesia in private hospitals in the city of Durango.

Source: Animal Politico

The Durango Post