The gastronomic festival called Restaurant Week will be held in Durango, reported the president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), Durango chapter, Adriana Porras Zubiría, who said that this concept is carried out in various cities around the world, such as New York where it has been implemented since 1992.
In this first edition of Restaurant Week 2024 in the city of Durango, there will be a minimum participation of 30 affiliated restaurants from various gastronomic sectors and located practically throughout the urban area.
Restaurant Week will take place from September 7 to 14 in participating restaurants that offer a gastronomic week with dishes designed for this date, at affordable prices and with flavor proposals.
The prices are: the economic one of 180 pesos, the standard one of 300 pesos and one more of 500 pesos, depending on the restaurant.
The aim is to offer Durango residents a week of gastronomic experience, in addition to helping the reputation of restaurants and promoting an increase in sales.
Source: elsiglodedurango