There is dissatisfaction among local merchants who point out the invasion of Chinese businesses that generate unfair competition because they do not comply with the regulations and ask the authorities to apply the regulations.
In view of this situation, the director of Economic Development and Tourism, Valeria Gutiérrez Velasco, stated that all businesses in Durango must comply with all regulations and documentation.
Not only companies that come from outside must comply, local ones must also do so, but in case of not complying with the regulations it is up to other municipal departments to make the necessary exhortations.
Regarding the unfair competition that is pointed out, she said that when companies come to establish themselves, they have to do so in a formal manner, on the part of Economic Development they are invited to have their registration certificate and operating license.
We serve all the people who register with the Durango System for Rapid Business Opening (SDARE), the entrepreneurs who arrive on their own, she pointed out.
Regarding the situation of the Chinese Mall, which has already been subject to an inspection report for not having its registration certificate in sight, he reiterated that it is up to Municipal Inspectors to review the situation in which they are found and their documentation.
On behalf of Municipal Inspectors, it was reported that they are working permanently to have order in the capital’s businesses.
In the case of the Chinese Mall, they assure that the regulation was enforced, since an inspection report was applied for not having the registration certificate in the municipal registry of companies.
The municipal regulation indicates that established and mobile businesses must place the registration certificate in sight so that the municipal authority and citizens can check that the business complies with the corresponding permits.
If this is not the case, the corresponding procedure is carried out and it is channeled to the municipal administrative court to apply the corresponding sanctions.
Source: elsiglodedurango