Experience Durango’s Route of Mezcal

“The Ruta del Mezcal” is a journey through more than 14 vinatas in which the cooking, grinding and jimar processes are explained in a didactic way, and in the end, you can see the final result that are the mezcal tears, and enjoy the typical crafts and gastronomy of the area.

Conoce uno de los mejores mezcales de México en Durango

Durango is not only distinguished by being the land of cinema or by the mountains on which it is based, but Durango is also home to one of the best mezcales in Mexico. In the Magic town of Nombre de Dios, the smell of this traditional drink invades the air, because in the different vinatas the product from the agave is elaborated in an ancestral way.

Conoce uno de los mejores mezcales de México en Durango

Just 30 minutes from the state capital, you can visit “The Mezcal Route” composed of more than 14 vinatas where you can taste the mythical ” tears of mezcal”.

Conoce uno de los mejores mezcales de México en Durango

The secretary of Tourism of the State of Durango, Eleazar Gamboa de la Parra, recognized the effort of the town residents to continue with this ancient tradition.

He also made an invitation to the general public to take advantage of the winter period and visit Nombre de Dios to know more about the Mexican culture and its flavors.

In Nombre de Dios, there are several cabins where travelers can stay for a few days.

Nombre de Dios is located 55 kilometers from the capital of Durango.

The town was founded by Francisco de Ibarra in 1562, it is the oldest municipality in the state of Durango, and it was one of the most important cities throughout the northwest of sixteenth century New Spain, is a town rich in art, history, tradition , natural beauties and gastronomy.