Hotels in Durango expect to close the year with more than 60% occupancy

Jaime Mijares Salum, president of the Association of Hotels and Motels of Durango, indicated that it is expected to close the month of December with an occupancy rate of over 55%.

“2024 has been a favorable year for tourism in the state, but December is a season that mainly favors restaurants and other food services,” added the businessman.
Regarding the records that the sector has in occupancy throughout the year, he estimates a projection of at least 62%, slightly exceeding last year’s figures, detailed the president of the hoteliers.

An issue that impacted this sector specifically was the insecurity experienced in the neighboring state of Sinaloa: during the months of September and October this caused little tourist influx in Durango, and therefore low hotel occupancy.
In that sense, he added that it was thanks to other tourism strategies that this situation was able to be compensated, seeking to ensure that there was no major impact.
On the other hand, he pointed out that it was at the beginning of the year that there were film productions, which greatly contributed to hotel occupancy. At this point he indicated that it is these projects that generate an important economic spillover for the state.

Finally, Mijares Salum reported that Durango continues to be a state with low and affordable rates for those who come to the state’s hotels.

Source: newsweekespanol