Antonio Bracho, head of the DMSP, pointed out that the staff of the agency supervises the commercial areas, downtown area and the main roads of the city of Durango
More than 16 thousand courtesy fines have been delivered to citizens in the municipality of Durango for not wearing face masks, infractions that have been delivered by the road police or elements of the Municipal Public Security Directorate (DMSP), indicated its owner Antonio Bracho Marrufo .
Personnel from the agency and highway supervise the commercial areas, the downtown area and the main roads of the city, where citizens are generally found, some waiting for some means of transport, who are urged to follow health protocols.
The director pointed out that as long as the pandemic does not end or the entire population is vaccinated, the management will continue to implement this type of fines, in addition to other actions that have been arranged to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
“We also ask that the citizens themselves not let their guard down, the fact of being vaccinated does not mean that this is over,” he said.
He said that it seeks to keep the epidemiological traffic light green until the entire population is vaccinated next year, so as not to fall back into the closure of shops and essential activities.
Road operations will continue, and patrols for the use of face masks, in addition to all actions to generate public awareness of the pandemic.