Durango, fourth place nationally in childhood obesity

Carlos Ramírez Espinoza, president of the State Association of Parents of Families in Durango, is in favor of what was said by the Secretary of Education Guillermo Adame, regarding the strategies that seek to reduce the rates of childhood obesity in the state.

According to him, last year Durango came to occupy the fourth place at the national level in childhood obesity.

“This is a job that is the responsibility of the Secretary of Education, the Association of Parents of Families and the government institutions, so that they regulate the sale of junk food outside of schools” he affirmed.

He mentioned that last November the association signed a collaboration agreement with the College of Nutritionists with the intention of informing students, parents and teachers about good nutrition and the benefits obtained.

In the next few days, the association https://m.facebook.com/AsociacionpadresDurango/ will seek an approach with the SEP to be able to work in a coordinated manner through the different boards of directors, knowing the obesity records that are presented in the schools and how the program can be implemented.

Together with the College of Nutritionists, they seek to reach more than 5 thousand schools throughout the state.

On the other hand, he recognized the support from the president of the state DIF Marisol Rosso, for supporting with hot breakfasts in different schools in the state, and in that sense it is expected that said program can reach all the schools.

He concluded by highlighting that the regulation of junk food will soon begin, to see how each of the parties involved can contribute to reducing the rates of childhood obesity that exist in the state.

Source: es-us.noticias.yahoo