Arrival of Mexican migrants in Durango decrease by 50% due to pandemic

During the Easter holidays, barely 40% of the total of Duranguenses who arrived during 2019 arrived and for the summer only 50% arrived

The National Institute of Migration (INM), Durango delegation, expects a decrease in the arrival of countrymen of up to 50%, indicated the head of said agency, Octavio García Valencia, who specified that it is estimated that the only 15 thousand nationals will visit the state.

The head of the delegation stressed that despite the health situation that exists in Mexico and the rest of the world, the Mexican migrants are welcome to their country.

At Easter, for example, only a third of Duranguenses who visited their families during 2019 were received, while in summer it was only 40% compared to the same date but the previous year, so it is expected that this Christmas time only reaches about 50%.

García Valencia stressed that last year the countrymen sent remittances for 38 billion pesos and it is expected that this year they will reach 40 billion pesos nationwide.

“The countrymen will always be received with open arms because, for Mexico, the countrymen are almost like heroes,” said the interviewee, who added that it is a very large community, since there are 38 million Mexicans in the United States, “there are more Mexicans living in that country than in many states of the country ”.

He also explained that due to the pandemic, nationals are asked to visit the state to take all the necessary sanitation precautions that are already international.

Operativo Invierno 2020 del Programa Paisano tendrá medidas anti COVID -  News Report MX

Similarly, he indicated that in coordination with the National Guard, the Mexican Army, and the State Police, organize caravans to accompany the countrymen and their tour of the state is safe, a protocol that will be implemented again upon their return.

Image may contain: car and outdoor, text that says 'Programa Paisano 2020 ESGO PA Sirequieres apoyo durante tu viaje necesitas reportar alguna irregularidad 911 18652 GUARDIAXNACIONAL NACIONAL GUARDIA Marca al 911 La Guardia Nacional te acompaña a tu destino SEGURIDAD CIUDADANA GN MACIONA fuo'

The federal official commented that the nationals who are cared for are given information brochures in order to answer the questions of procedures and procedures, also specified that during the vacation season, the INM operates normally, since there are always migrants documented and undocumented to attend.

Anuncia SAT lineamientos en Programa Paisano 2020 - Economía - La Jornada


The Durango Post