A national strike of women would knock down 40% of company staff and it would be like paralyzing the auto industry for 24 days

A day without women – as a protest against femicide, gender violence, and sexual harassment – would cost Mexico’s economy more than 26 billion pesos; In addition to the chaos and monetary effects of millions of households.
The Center for Research of Women in Senior Management (CIMAD) revealed that, said national strike, called from social networks for next March 9, would paralyze 40% of the personnel employed in the country’s companies.
To measure the impact of this last data and estimate how much would be lost, it is enough to say that the Mexican economy – measured through the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – generates 65 thousand 753 million pesos a day.
In such a way that to dispense with 40% of the female labor force of companies, which precisely generate the wealth of GDP, would cause a daily decrease of over 26 billion pesos.
The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) reported that Mexico has 22 million 32 thousand 255 women employed; who develop some economic activity or service.
If it is taken into account that the average salary of workers registered with IMSS reaches 396.2 pesos per day, the paralysis of employed women would cost eight thousand 729 million pesos, in personal or family income.
While in strictly labor terms, the absence of the more than 22 million women employed, it would be as if the national automotive industry – which has more than 900 thousand employees – suspended its activities for 24 consecutive days.
Not to mention that the collateral damage of female protest on March 9 – called under hashtag # UNDIASINNOSOTRAS – would extend its damage to various sectors; because he also seeks that they do not go to schools, do not buy and pay nothing.
The director of CIMAD, Eugenio Gómez Alatorre, explained the contribution of women to the national economy, is not only key, but the inequalities and obstacles they face for their professional development, cost and detract growth from GDP.
In an interview with Publimetro, he noted that a study published by McKinsey Global Institute revealed that if Mexico manages to close the gender gap, it would gain an additional 2.2 percentage points of growth each year.
This would mean that, if the growth of the Mexican economy were 1% of GDP – as several analysts project by 2020 -, the country’s development would jump to an annual rate of 3.2%.
Gómez Alatorre stressed that it is time to value the contributions of women in all areas; and with it generate changes that, in addition to eradicating violence against them, allow to create the awareness that men and women are complementary.

Source: publimetro.com.mx
The Mazatlan Post